Develop your greatest ability.

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Global Competetion

Our students are in the global competition.

Online Courses

Our students are in the global competition.​

Best Institution

Our students are in the global competition.

Our College at a Glance

Explore our achievement in numbers.

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Students enrolled
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Qualified Teachers
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International Awards
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Years of Experience

Explore Our Courses

Whatever your aim for you future, we have the perfect program to get you there.



Computer Science

Delivering the World Class Education.

Over the last 50 years, we have been providing world-class education.
Social Events
On-campus college events to shape the social and intellectual character of students.
Certified Teachers
Teachers with extensive experience and certification at the highest level.
Internship Oppurtunities
Our students can participate in the internships program with the leading companies.
Global Community
We provide education to students from all around the world.
Practical Education
Get theoritical education as well as the practical understandings.
Extra Activities
Our students can participate in the internships program with the leading companies.

Let’s start your journey to your career path today.

Our Members

Whatever your aim for you future, we have the perfect program to get you there.
Prof. SS Jamil Amjadi
Dr. Mantasha Rais
Mr.Afzal Ahmad
Dr. Iltefat Ahmad Amjadi
Mr. MD Gulam Mohiuddin
Mr. MD Khalid Siddiqui
Mr. MD Ashraf
Mr. Mohammad Allauddin

Still wondering where to start?